Mastering Website Conversions

In this insightful conversation, Orsi, a brand and web designer with six years of experience, shares her expertise on improving website conversions. She discusses the importance of aligning your website’s design with your business goals, understanding your audience’s buying journey, and tracking key metrics to measure success. Ory also offers practical tips on optimizing for mobile, building trust, and making small, testable changes to improve conversions over time. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing website, this chat provides actionable advice to help you turn visitors into loyal customers.

Most Valuable Lesson or Insight

The most valuable lesson from this conversation is that website conversions are not just about design—they’re about strategy, understanding your audience, and continuous improvement. Ory emphasizes the importance of aligning your website’s goals with your business objectives, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), and making small, actionable changes to improve conversions over time.

Top 5 Between-the-Lines Lessons

  1. Conversions Start with Strategy: A beautiful website isn’t enough. You need a clear goal (e.g., selling products, building an email list) and a strategy to guide visitors toward that goal.

  2. Know Your Audience’s Buying Journey: Understand where your potential clients are in their decision-making process. Tailor your website content to meet them at their stage, whether they’re just discovering their problem or ready to buy.

  3. Track and Test Continuously: Use tools to track KPIs like website traffic, click-through rates, and conversions. Test small changes (e.g., button colors, call-to-action text) to see what works best.

  4. Simplicity and Trust Build Conversions: Clear calls-to-action, testimonials, and trust signals (e.g., accepted payment methods) can significantly improve conversions. Avoid overcomplicating your website.

  5. Start Small, Scale Gradually: Don’t try to do everything at once. Focus on one platform, one marketing channel, or one website goal at a time. As you grow, you can add more complexity.

5 Actionable Steps

  1. Define Your Website’s Goal: Decide what you want your website to achieve (e.g., sell products, collect emails, book consultations). Every element of your site should support this goal.

  2. Understand Your Audience’s Journey: Map out the stages of your audience’s buying journey. Create content that addresses their needs at each stage, from awareness to decision-making.

  3. Track Key Metrics: Use tools like Google Analytics to track KPIs such as website traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Start with one metric and expand as you get comfortable.

  4. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Test buttons, forms, and navigation on mobile devices to make sure they work seamlessly.

  5. Make Small, Testable Changes: Experiment with small changes, such as adjusting call-to-action buttons, adding testimonials, or simplifying your navigation. Track the results and iterate.


hey everyone and welcome to business chats today we're going to be talking about website conversions with ory

please let me know if I'm saying your name correctly we're going to teach you basically what do you need to take into

consideration so your website that you made yourself is going to actually

convert your well the visitors for your website

into clients and apparently I have some sort of filter on and I didn't realize I

had it before I started this so I have no idea how to take it off so I'm so sorry let's

see kind of

scared this thing never works it's so annoying it takes a long time for it to

work do you see the little notification that says that I accepted your request

by any

chance this happens every single time sometimes it join lets people join and

it I don't see it and I'm talking to myself as if I'm alone and then there's someone there it's super

weird let's see where are you I'm so excited about this talk

because I'm I was actually talking to a client there day about their website

versions how and how he basically he has this website that he had made I think it

was last year and he was like it's it's not where it's supposed to be oh hi

you're here finally somehow um finally yeah I was listening to you I'm like uh I can't

see anything just shows me that I requested to join but I'm nowhere yeah

it it happens sometimes it's so annoying but yeah welcome so happy to you're here yeah where you from by the way I'm in

Budapest Hungary oh that's a awesome I've was planning on going to Budapest

this year actually in May and I had to postpone it but I might I might visit

you sometime soon know if you're coming it would be so great I actually met uh last week one of my business besties was

here from Bulgaria and it was so great like it's so awesome to have you know to meet people who you work with or connect

with online after years and you finally meet person that's just so great so are you basically it's super weird yeah I'm

in Valencia right now that's awesome I used to live in viit so Spain is oh you

know you know Spanish yeah I do yeah ah maybe we should do this live in Spanish

um um I just want you to please introduce

yourself what it is that you do who you are your experience sure um so I'm orhi

and you did spell my ni name well uh and actually I appreciate it because not

everyone can can do it it's a it's a nickname so I'm I'm keeping that because it's the easiest but you would

understand it's Ursula in in Spanish so that's comes from Hungarian version or

and or is just a nickname so I'm trying to keep it as easy as possible for for people to to say it um I'm a Brandon web

designer uh I've been doing this for six years now and now I mainly focus on

redesigns and helping more established businesses to go from their DIY website

to the next level with creating the brand the website including all the the

next level features and alterations that they need this can mean you know just

having a more complex site or um or uh adding an online shop or a web

membership or even selling online courses because you know after a while people get to the point where they want

to get some more passive income so they want to do that and that's where I come in to um the picture and I really love

doing this because I got to work with some really amazing people in the past couple of years and it's so satisfying

right to have a website that someone made themselves and then just see the transformation and how impactful it is

that your design is actually really affecting this business their future

like their plans is is so cool I love my job that's the one of the main reasons

why I do what I do is to be able to help these people because they are like us they they usually solo preneurs they

doing things alone and and and their business goes well but after a while they just don't have that the capacity

to to take it to the next level um and also they might have had you know bad

EXP experience online with other not designers necessarily but like people online in the creative word and U being

able to to change the narrative and help them go through this phase and with some of my clients I work with for like four

or five years already we started off with you know creating their initial website and then as they grew they

wanted to redesign it they wanted to add new stuff to it now they're selling stuff now they you know creating an

online course and it's so great to be there and see what they started and how they to the next level and just be that

type of partner in crime I know I know it's so beautiful

and besides their first website is usually just pretty and then you get to add strategy to it and a lot of the

technical stuff that people think it's not supposed to they don't even think it's supposed to be there and you're

like nope yep it this is pretty basic let's just let's add it on yeah exactly and that's part of the reason why I um

talk about the conversion part because in the beginning they just oh I just need a side nothing fancy like it just

has to be beautiful but after a while they realized that just having a beautiful website wouldn't mean having

clients or you know converting or making um money so that's when we start to talk

more about strategy and I always emphasize strategy but depending on where the customer is um it would change

uh hence why I work more with established businesses so they know already what they're doing what they're sell who the target audience is and it's

like just it's really great work but in a different level because it's more

meaningful I would say you can make a bigger impact uh with these people because they don't have the help but

they get it through you and also um we just make dreams come true kind of yeah

I know it's so beautiful usually these type of businesses I mean any type of

business usually in the beginning it's a struggle the first two years you start thinking you're going to go through this

Niche and then you just change and adapt and try to make it work because that's life and that's life in business and so

it it yeah it's very satisfying I totally get it after a couple of years and I always tell people if you are just

starting out just DIY your website is fine unless you have a lot of money from

investors just do it yourself get a sve rights and then when you have been in

business for for two years call me or call any of my colleague and get it done because it's going to make you're going

to be sort of stable and then we're going to come in and make these small

changes but they're going to be super impactful and it's just going to change everything so speaking of website

conversions and people DIY in their website what do you think are the most

common mistakes people make when it comes to website conversions and they're trying to make their first website for

their business there are many um but what I

would think like it's it's a lot of procrastination what I

see and what I mean is that oh I need a logo that's one of the things like I

have to have a logo it's very important like I cannot exist without a logo it has to be perfect and they spend so much

time or the other thing is the business name I don't know what she do this my name or it's a different name like do it

goes goes does it go on three years trying to choose my name yeah but after like obviously like you

just have to go through these things yeah to get to the next um stage uh but

I think that's what people holds people back is that they get stuck in the

really detail like things that don't necessarily mean much because it's not like being a Big R like Coca-Cola like

if they change something everyone would know because they are full International brand but with a tiny business who

probably not many people know about probably even nobody knows about it wouldn't matter if your logo exists or

it's just something written there or if you don't even have a logo and I think we we we

overemphasize at the beginning of this journey a lot of things that shouldn't be and that happens with conversions as

well it's like yeah I need to have a website okay but what's the goal of the site like there's no goal like do you

want to get subscribers do you want to sell a product do you want to create

brand awareness like what is the goal of the side because depending on the goal you we're going to design it in in in a

different way and um I know templates are very popular and I'm not against

them by any means but they might miss that type the goal in itself so even if

someone purchases a template I would recommend to still try to think through what what is the actual go of the side

like if it's getting subscribers then okay you have to add that form yeah so

people can subscribe and the call to action the buttons have to be really clear so uh there's so many things that

we mess up not because we don't care it's because we're just not not aware and we want to do do it all and we have

a lot of hats still six years in 10 years in we still have a lot of but I

think it's not not not getting hooked up into small things is something that can make

the progress faster yeah absolutely and I think it's also very important too try

to understand and put yourself in your potential clients choose because I mean

you might not even know who that client is but you know and you might be super

focused on pushing your product or your service and be like you need to get this now

and then this person comes in from somewhere they don't know you maybe they

do but let's assume that they don't are you really giving them the basic

information that they need to make the decision to keep scrolling on your website or to even just click buy down

or sign up or just get in contact or whatever it is yeah I see so many websites beginner websites that are like

yes this is the best in the Market get it now it's like why is it the best in

the market maybe I I don't know maybe this is the first time that I'm encountered this

timee of product this type of product or service so why don't you tell me a little bit more about it and then we can

have a conversation but like jumping the gun is not GNA help anyone yeah exactly

it's like nobody knows you like you have to build it up and this is not to hurt

anyone but it's actually a good thing that nobody knows you because then you can make mistakes and the word won't end

and then you can try another thing it doesn't work out you can try another thing like it's it's such a big um

Freedom when you are at that level obviously if you have way more awareness you would be more afraid to do the

changes because it's going to impact more things but yeah it's um I agree with you it's it's a lot of a lot of

those things that that would slow down the process yeah and is definely a lot

of testing I think um when well when you grow a little bit more you get to track

down which Pages inside your website has have the most attention what parts of

your page actually are getting more attention so you can start analyzing and playing around with that content be like

okay this maybe it's the color maybe it's the text and start testing so you can improve the rest of your site and

make sure that everyone is connected to it and cck where they're supposed to click yeah but I think this comes in in

a couple of years as you as you grow in the beginning I believe it's it's not we

are we are not that self aware I would say uh one thing I do with my clients for example when we start to work

together is um to like start the found with the foundations and strategy and we do this consumer buying Journey which is

something just to reflect to what you said earlier is where is the customer in

in the buying Journey like do they even know they have a problem if they know it did they start to look for the solution

if they do what type of keywords do they using what they're looking for maybe you're trying to rank for a completely

different word and they would never find you because it's not what they're looking for okay they found you they

they found your they are on the website what do they need to see in order to move forward so it's like depending on the stage you need to share different

information but you have to build that awareness and again where they are you have to meet them where they are um and

the right information about you the product building trust and that's the email marketing part that's having

things on the website also social media so it's like a full 360 degree right

it's a big picture that you have to keep in mind and then people think it's just couple of clicks and just you're there

and just make it pretty and that's it and no yeah you have to think about a lot of things and how they play together

and uh since you mentioned the the track this is one thing I talk about in the the free master class that I'm sharing

um is to Don't Be Afraid about numbers and to track the kpis because that's

something that would really improve conversions like if you don't know where you start you don't know if something

works or not so looking at them and just like debunking some of the myths around

around the numbers and what you need to to check I think is is crucial and just start somewhere like start to check one

number like number of visitors that could be enough and then move move on from there and again as you said like

just trial and error test maybe it's the button maybe it's the content uh what works what doesn't work why do people

leave maybe the link is not working like you you have to keep doing this and setting up um I call it a date with your

website yeah um a monthly basis is something that could help and just just

keep tracking one thing at a time and then as you get more confident you can add another one but just don't try to do

it all at once especially in the beginning because it can be super overwhelming and usually we stop doing it it happened with me I love that I I

yeah I know I love that point because actually yeah you're absolutely right in the beginning we see numbers that are

low and then we start freaking out and we think I messed up I don't know what

the hell I'm doing just freak out I'm gonna fail this Miss is going to tank and like and

that's a big thing that we well I learned the hard way in business you

have to just adapt that's fine you're screwing it up it's okay we are all

there at some point and you just fix something move on test it out is it working is it not okay cool keep going

it's not it's not like you got a bad grade and then you're gonna be kicked out of school exactly you can do

whatever you want yeah and also um try not to be everywhere especially in the beginning

like because you know big brands are oh they're Instagram and their own LinkedIn and their own Tik Tok and their own

Pinterest and you think you can do the same level of service or content

creation but it's not possible in the beginning and trying to do that will just make you burn out like no matter

the business it's it's uh it's going to be a really like a negative spiral

because you cannot keep up with the content creation you cannot keep up with you know doing all sorts of things

unless you use you know some very special you have team and you have an investor and you have a lot of you have

$2 million in the bank then go for it yeah exactly but you stting on your own and go from

there yeah that that's that can change things but I think even I do find myself

feeling that I'm not doing enough even though I'm I'm following this rule like okay starting one one channel at a time

getting comfortable and then you know going to the next one yeah but but when you look at others it's really easy to

feel like yeah I'm just not doing enough like everyone else seems like yeah oh yeah perfect you have no

idea how many people when I was posting a little bit more on Instagram they reached out to me they were like oh hey

everything is great like life is great business is fantastic and I do I didn't have one single client that's why I was

posting on Instagram all the time because I had the time to do it and I was working on my systems behind the

scenes but like you have to just just know that you're going to write it out

you're going to go through it and then you're going to just be okay and same

when websites when people start their website I usually get a lot of uh new

businesses saying I have a tiny budget and I don't have a product yet but I

want to have the e-commerce setup I want to have like the whole thing social

media newsletters I'm like okay who's going I want to have a Blog because I want to have I heard that that's

important for SEO so I want to have a post coming out every week I'm like who's goingon to do all of that because

as far as I know it's only you so yeah was how are you gonna sleep at some

point what's happening that doesn't make sense I'm curious well they sort of are

like and then they're like no but it's GNA grow and and this is necessary and this is so I have to take them and be

like okay let's just let's go one step at a time let's let's split the project

I usually what I do is split it up and then okay you have a you want to have a huge website yeah let's begin by

analyzing your target audience and doing a simple brand so you don't spend that

much money in it and we don't have to do a lot of research and stuff and then we can build like a four page website very

basic very easy and in the process you're going to be working and then we can meet again in six months and then

just tweak and stuff and then we can add social media and then we can but yeah

it's that process's take a a breather here yeah

yeah I I love the process uh I do something similar um they because people

want everything for this budget everything

and then youing them to the reality not necessarily because guarantee do you

have that to what what guarante they want they sort of want you to guarantee

that this new website is going to bring in 100 pay every week yeah oh

um yes they do have some I would call bit unrealistic expectations especially

like okay we launch and then think it's going to be flooded by people it's like

no even if we did SEO it takes time like it takes months and it's gonna show up

first on Google and it's like and and one thing I always emphasize similar to what you do is like okay let's talk

realistically I understand you want to do all these things my part is the website I can build up for you that but

you have to do the marketing obviously I can help with the emails and stuff but it's me setting up the system you

actually have to Market yourself your brand your product your services your business and that's on you like I cannot

you have to provide a good service so people talk good about it and you have to have exactly you know client

relations so it's the whole thing and then copywriting usually people don't

even know that you need a copywriter to improve your conversions and most website designers

don't talk about it it's like the secret they all have under their sleeve and I'm like that's basic yeah it's copyrighting

having the right photos having the right um SEO done having the right colors even

that fits you know the brand it looks good and also like just overall the website being good on mobile phone which

is like yeah we think it's normal but it's not so common um to be honest to to

have it have it done um properly but yeah it's uh I think it it it goes back

to being very clear up front about the expectations and setting them right like okay we can do the website we can work

on this what are you going to do like is it blogging social media yeah networking

event how are you going to promote the whole thing because you have to drive traffic and traffic wouldn't just

magically appear um you have to be consistent then we have to test the

actual web to make sure that it's working for that audience that you're bringing in yeah and always twe it think

it's done like okay I pay for it it's done forget about it for years to come

not necessarily I mean yes you can but then don't expect it to to convert like

super duper well it might be a big hype in the beginning if you do a campaign

but if my way off and also Trends change and things change and you need to evolve

you need to change the services as you know client requirements change and also

improve the product BAS on the feedback so things will change and it's part of

the whole ecosystem so it's it's Never Ending Story part of why I think we all

as well designers change our websites every now and then oh my God you have no idea how I'm craving to have lose five

minutes so I can go crazy and rebump everything I'm like this looks old and

just horrible and this is not this is not what I can do I can do so much

better this is horrible andbody else can by way like when when you know people look at your website I looked at your

website I'm like this is super cool I I love the design I love everything I think it's just us like we are very

critical with our own and it happens with everyone in business like you're always every single one of my clients is

always like I'm doing this wrong I need to improve this this and that and then

for yesterday with $50 in a budget I'm like okay let's slow down just just yeah

take it one one step at a time so I know you have a a huge it's a five-day master

class right am I right yeah that's a lot of content okay I have to take it

because I I'm I'm probably going to learn a thing or two from you so um on

that Master Class what do you cover so just to give a background story

I originally planned it to be just one video then I asked uh m clients and um

my audience like what do they prefer one big video or five smaller ones and they

woulded the five small ones I'm like okay then you sign up and it's like bite-sized videos well it ended up not

being that bite-sized you will see that because there's just so much to cover so I'm

actually looking for feedback honest feedback uh regarding the content the length whatever like it's it's still in

progress uh I'm going to change it tweak it make it better um but what I'm I'm

covering are the five pillars actually the fifth pillar is just a bonus but I'm covering Five Pillars the first thing is

why conversions even matter like why is it important to focus on conversions um

not just MoneyWise but also that it can harm your brand like if someone goes to your website and it just doesn't work

links are not working and they cannot purchase the product or book a call with you or whatever you're trying to convert

them to that's going to be like oh this site is shitty and it's going to harm your brand no no matter if it's small or

big nobody's going to go there they're not going to brag about it people with a bad experience talk more than people

with a good exactly yeah yeah yeah yeah that's that's true so I'm covering that

first because I think it's really important to to understand why this is even a thing then I'm talking about the

next day um what can harm the conversions like what what do we mean under bad conversion and I also give

examples then we talk about kpi the third day which is like to the monster

um and I share basic and advanced level things as

well because again my main audience is more established businesses so they would go for more the the you know the

the needy greedy the the details yeah um but I also want to support those who are

just starting out like where do they um where do we can start um and just understanding the basics and obviously

if someone's more advanced they can they can do that and the fourth day I'm actually telling them I'm showing how to

fix those problems that we covered on on on day two like okay what you can do like really easy tricks like just having

the button with the right label on it can do wonders yeah or the color or the contrast like again you don't have to

think about big things these are just sometimes really simple stuff or if you have a web shop and to to have there the

the payment like the card um um cards that you accept yeah it's just there and

it shows like okay this is a legit site sharing testimonials sharing logos or of

of clients that you work with like it's just to building trust and these are things that we we are aware of of but we

are not aware of like we know them but we don't do them so I'm kind of like doing that and the fifth day is actually

uh kind of a lonus where I take um famous people's website like Tony

Robbins Porterfield I think jener as well uh and I just explained okay this is what we

covered see how they do it look at the navigation they use this technique look at the they use that technique so so I'm

trying to give real life examples so it's not just me talking and like sharing a presentation but also

explaining how the big big names are using it on their own sites so you can

copy it easily and again I I emphasize this every time you don't have to do it all like I'm sharing a lot that's why

some of the videos became longer um again it can be shrink down but it's you

can pick from whichever technique you want and just start there do that change yeah track track like this is where I'm

at do that tiny change one month goes by two months goes by and you track it

again and just make that date with your websites on a monthly Bas to the do the

little Master Class you should add like an Exel spreadsheet so people can it out

actually that's a good idea yeah to provide I don't know no but that's a good idea I haven't thought about it to

to just make it easier it can be a Google spreadsheet like really like this date visitors whatever you want to check

um yeah just start from there and then then improve and that's how we would know if it works or not so that's the

whole five days it's quite it it became robust like the initial idea was because it's a freebie like I didn't want to you

know do much uh but then I think got too fired up well but the more the more

successful freebies are the one that I really given value and that sounds like a very valuable one I'm definitely

signing up because I want to know everything else that I might not know I'm sure there's a bunch of things learn

I do that as well like um some even as again we are aware we just not doing it

so sometimes you just need to hear from another person phrased in a different way and it would be like wow blowing

love that you're giving like an actionable list of things listen just go back this because sometimes it gets too

theoretical and it's like I don't know what that means I don't know how that translates to real life so I'm just not

I I don't know where to begin I'm not gonna do it yeah exactly absolutely and I would where can people go to sign up

yeah so um it's on my website design and pretty much any almost any

page you scroll down it would would show up right there as well there's a popup so um it it would uh it would um yeah it

would be there to for you to sign up and then you get the first video right away and after that each day it's going to be

a the next one and yeah I would love for you to give me your feedback like any anything you have I'm curious um and

again it's it's uh always a work in progress so making it even better it's my goal and to be able to serve and

support you know even if it's a designer like

it's we're all learning the time as you said absolutely I love that so much so

I'm gonna add your website to the description of this video so everyone can just go and sign up and um I'll

probably share this on Tik Tok too just little Snippets of our I send you the exact link then for the the landing page

because maybe that's better than people having to schroll places I was it over I'll add it for sure thank you so much

for joining so much for having me it was really great meeting you yeah and let me know when you come to oh I will I promise you

I it's depending on my list of to do of places to visit this year so I will definitely let you know that would be so

great well have a great night thank you so much for joining me again thank you you too take care bye you too bye

Orsi Veres

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I’m a brand and web designer with a passion for impactful, clean and timeless design.

Copyright © 2025 Patricia Órdoñez | Rara Design. All Rights Reserved

I’m a brand and web designer with a passion for impactful, clean and timeless design.

Copyright © 2025 Patricia Órdoñez | Rara Design. All Rights Reserved

I’m a brand and web designer with a passion for impactful, clean and timeless design.

Copyright © 2025 Patricia Órdoñez | Rara Design. All Rights Reserved